Hello everyone \(^▽^@)ノ
This time I want to show you some photos from the last Sunday event.
It's called "Flotte-Notte"("Flotte" comes from the German word "flott" means quick/speedy and "Notte" is just the name of the little channelized river in my hometown).
This event is every 1-2 years and everyone can participate in it, you must just build a self-made raft.
Here are a few impressions:
The right raft was my favorite one, it's a living room with a desk, a couch, a TV and many more (^-^)
All rafts were armed with water balloons, water guns and some of them with a catapult or fireworks(but this just for fun of course).
Of course it was totally alright that everybody can make a participant wet.
And this topic was really funny.
But the raft people could also bombard the audience (^v^)o
Some of the rafts were very creative.
Well this was the seventh time that it was organized.
I was just three times there and this year was my last time, because I will move to the Baltic Sea in fall. But I had much fun with my friends on these day.
On the same evening I finally finished playing Trusty Bell(Eternal Sonata, the special PS3 version)with a friend ヽ(^。^)丿
We have played together the whole game, that was always very funny.And last evening I saw this:
It is sad that my camera is so bad and with my own eyes it was much more interesting (¬ー¬) ... but I always love this kind of pictures, clouds are so beautiful <3
And when I was very sick(some days ago) I had read so much information about clouds(a whole day).Yeah, I make strange things when I have almost 40°C fever~ *laugh*
Since then I want to draw a picture with huge clouds (* O *)
So, that's enough for today.
Until next time,
Ral-2004 ( ^ー^ )v

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