Hello everyone ヾ(´▽`)ゝ
This time I write a bit about my new markers.
The name of this markers are Graph Master and there are the cheapest alcoholic based marker on the market(1,25€ apiece).
You can order 2 test-marker for only 1 €, isn't this great? (>ε<)v
The official homepage is here(German).
That's why I'm bought them and I tried them on a test picture.
This was my first test picture... I did the outlines like always with my beloved Pelikan black drawing ink and then... It smudged the whole picture (・-・*).
I couldn't save it, ...what a pain.
Well~ never ever forget to try out your ink with new markers before inking.
In the end I was so angry that I put it in the trash(crumpled).
I did a photo of this disaster:
You can surely see on his cheek how I felt in this moment (^ー^*)
And I did a second test image with pelikan ink too, but with a new one.I first thought that it was because of my very old ink and I tried the new one with a marker on a different paper → only slightly smudges → inking with the new pelikan drawing ink ↓
I really like the final version of my second test image (^-^)
These markers are really good and if I had worked with another ink... my start with these markers would have been better *drop*.
However I tried the markers with my Copic Multiliner some minutes ago and they did well.
The markers are really handy because of the triangular shape and they are not heavy.
Because of their very thin tip(0,8 mm)I will use them for ACEO cards.
I think they are a good option to copics and co.
It's too bad that there only have 42 colors yet~
And finally I finished today a ACEO card for a friend from Animexx (ヘ_ヘ)
Here are some steps(Please click to enlarge) :
She wanted one of her original characters.
I really like to draw "nerdy persons" v(* ̄∇ ̄*)V
And I hope you can recognize the black X-Box 360 controller and the mic... which were difficult for me to draw.
Here you can see my messy sketch.. sometimes I'm confused from my own lines, yeah yeah~ (  ̄ー ̄")
Below is the inked card. Sorry, it's blurry~ My camera gets a clap on it for this *g*
Yes, its right. I did most of the shades before I color my picture. Mostly I use a light grey Tombow Marker for the shadows.
And I usually do the background after the shades, the next step is ground coloring.
Coloring~ Coloring~(minutes pass...)
Coloring~ Coloring~Coloring~ (hours pass...)
Then opaque white for the finish~ (^u^)
And doneー!♪
You can the on the last photo how tiny a ACEO card is and I mostly work 4-7 hours on it.
Man, my hand looks weird (ö . ö )
Well I'm done for today, I will go to read Blue Exorcist Vol. 2 <3
Bye, until the next entry.

Schade um die erste Version des Bildes, aber ich muss auch sagen: Bild Nr. 2 ist hammer geworden!!!
AntwortenLöschenDie Marker sind wirklich toll und leuchten ganz hervorragend!
Wenn ich nicht so schrecklich doll in meine Copic Pinselspitze verliebt wäre, wären diese Stifte bestimmt auch was für mich.
Ein schönes Ergebnis.
PS. Ich mag das Gesicht^^
Ich finde die Kakao total gelungen, sie strahlt richtig.
AntwortenLöschenHast dich gesteigert :3
Schade ums erste Testbild, aber das 2. ist auch gut geworden. Kann man die Marker mit den Ciaos mischen? Oder gibt das Probleme?!
WOW.,green haired cat- can i bring home woth me? x//3' so cute. love his smile n kind eyes. <3